Discussions of religious persuasion-coercion, and religious advocacy:

Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Year Of The BOAR Or PIG-2007!

The Years of the Pig/Boar:

1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty.
They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal.
They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling.
They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively.
They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep.
The Chinese Zodiac Callender:
Chinese year Zodiac animal Gregorian calendar
4693 Boar January 31, 1995
4694 Rat February 19, 1996
4695 Ox February 7, 1997
4696 Tiger January 28, 1998
4697 Hare/Rabbit February 16, 1999
4698 Dragon February 5, 2000
4699 Snake January 24, 2001
4700 Horse February 12, 2002
4701 Ram/Sheep February 1, 2003
4702 Monkey January 22, 2004
4703 Rooster February 9, 2005
4704 Dog January 29, 2006
4705 Boar February 18, 2007
4706 Rat February 7, 2008
4707 Ox January 26, 2009
4708 Tiger February 10, 2010
4709 Hare/Rabbit February 3, 2011
4710 Dragon January 23, 2012
4711 Snake February 10, 2013
4712 Horse January 31, 2014
4713 Ram/Sheep February 19, 2015
4714 Monkey February 9, 2016
4715 Rooster January 28, 2017
4716 Dog February 16, 2018
4717 Boar February 5, 2019
4718 Rat January 25, 2020


Friday, December 29, 2006

Are Women Truly Equal Under Islam?

December 29-2006:

Some Pilgrims Are More Equal Than Others-After The Haj!

Equality Under Allah-Is Islam's Core Belief?
This may be so in principle, and may be displayed at Mecca, during the annual Haj pilgrimage to the place where the prophet Mohammed gave his last public message.
* But in some Islamic ruled countries, women cannot be seen in public without the Borka or Veil that covers the face and possible the entire anatomy.
* Women are not allowed to speak, participate, or indulge in anything political.
* Women are not allowed to hold public or political office.
* Women are not allowed to sit 'beside men' in most Islamic Mosques or Masjids.
* Women are still being killed in some Islamic countries if she is accused of adultery, or having sex outside or before officially sanctioned marriages.
* In Southern Nigeria-a state that practices Sharia Law, women can be stoned to death for adultery.
These are just some of the in-equalities that is internationally known, and contradicts the view that women are equal under Allah?

What Hypocrisy!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Friday, December 22, 2006

What Or Where Is Heaven?

What Or Where Is Heaven?

If an individual could rid himself or herself of all Hate, Anger, Vanity, Self-Pity, Rancor, Regret, Expectations, Jealousy, and Pain. Then he or she is on the road to experiencing Enlightenment or Heavenly peace!

The Element Of Seeing & Knowing!

Most religions advocate for the ability to accept that which cannot be seen or understood with the eyes and mind. For physicists, this is un-acceptable. Because science is based on the principles of Sight-Measurement & Quantification. So if something cannot be seen, measured, and quantified, scientists will categorize those things in the field of faith, or imagination.
Humans are genetically programmed to understand the physical world around us. At least, that is the general understanding held by thousands on this planet. But most of us also believe that there is something within each individual that is not fully understood, or comprehended. And this thing may be called God, mind, spirit, a hunch, a gut feeling, or insight.
Whatever it is, most people seem to feel that we could connect, or have lost the direct connection to that thing within us. And because of not being able to connect 'at will' with this thing, we are left to seek recourse from some other thing, philosophy, or doctrine, that will give us some comfort, and re-assurance about ourselves.
Not knowing what will become of our relatives, loved ones, families, or friends when we are physically dead, bothers most people a great deal.

The Afterlife concept:

The afterlife came in to fill the void of un-certainty as indicated above. So Heaven, Paradise, and even Hell was fashioned to explain these fantasies, perceptions, or fears, that most humans possess. Trying to convince people who do not accept an afterlife, or do not believe in an God, or do not believe in Hell, is quite a task. So atheists, and even Agnostics were created as categories for those individuals. Overtime, with the passage of time, human development, natural and man made disasters that impacts humans negatively on a mass scale, are also identified to be the hand of God or Allah at work, trying to get humans to acknowledge or pay homage to this creator of all things.


I have said before, and will reiterate again, that humans have the capacity to create, or believe in any thing they choose. That is what contributes to our social, technological, and mental development over the centuries. Because of this ability, we as a human specie, was able to survive on this planet for so long, without becoming extinct. Currently, we have the ability to erase all physical life, or all life from this planet with the pressing of an atomic or nuclear button. That is the extent to which our abilities have evolved.
Call it God's gifts, genetic development, or evolution in action. Whatever it is, humans will continue to do great things in each other's eyes. Even populate other planets in our galaxy at some point in time too!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate Blogger.

Can An Elected Public Official Swear Only By The US Constitution?

December 22-2006:

Would An Atheist Be Allowed To Swear By The Constitution & Not The Christian Bible?

And can A Public Official swear by the Constitution Of The US ONLY, without acknowledging any religious belief or affiliation?

With regard to the above questions, please indulge me in outlining some of my concerns in this regard:

The Constitution Of The United States is the Supreme Laws or guide, that oversees all other laws that may be enacted Municipally, by the State, or the Federal authorities. The US Congress and Senate are obliged to acknowledge this constitution in their deliberations, legislation, and the enactment of any laws therein, in the interest of the public good.

All elected Public Officials must swear 'pubicly' to abide by the rules and guidelines of this constitution. Regardless of his or her religious affiliations or beliefs.

Therefore, when the Rep. elect Keith Ellison Congressman of Moslem faith chose to swear on the Quran the source of his religious belief, he was acting in accordance with his civil and constitutional right to do so. So long as he or she acknowledges the US Constitution as the supreme jurisprudence.

I cannot see how being a Moslem, Faithist, Shinto, Jew, Taoist, or Christian, or even an Atheist, has anything to do with the expected pledge of allegiance to the Constitution Of The United States Of America!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

African Men Must Circumcise Or Else!

December 13-2006:

AFRICAN Men-Must Circumcise Or Else!

With the spread of HIV and malaria, on the continent of Africa. And the difficulty to control or curb the spread of both maladies. African men are now being told to circumcise or else!

With Uganda in the forefront, with their policy of "Condom usage, Being Faithful to one partner, & No Grazing outside of marriage, which seem to have made a difference in arresting the spread of HIV in that state. Now, this new trial on African men, reported by The BBC today, seem to suggest that HIV is more easily transmitted via un-circumcised men. The authorities who made this declaration claims that they are 50% certain that with circumcism of all African men, the spread of HIV will be curtailed.

Isn't this the most brazen declaration that was ever made on any pandemic, much less HIV?
HIV has been spreading among American males, who are by and large predominantly circumcised. This is found mostly among Caucasian and Black American males. Yet the spread of HIV is still rampant among Blacks and Latinos currently in America. Ever since the discovery of HIV among men firstly.
This virus had not discriminated between those who are circumcised or not. So why does any rational thinking person would assume that it would for African men?

And what about the following diseases?
* Chlamydia:
* Herpes:
* Gonorrhea:
* Syphilis:
This to my mind is yet another ploy to coerce those African states or governments, who need HIV medication and technical help from the west, to help curb this deadly virus among them. And they are being dictated to once more, as to how, where, and who, must comply with these dictates, in order to qualify for assistance.


Regardless of where circumcism has been practised. I still maintain that such procedures must never be done in childhood or at childbirth. This is another form of 'mutilation.' And in infancy, that child has no say on the matter.
If adults (for reasons best known to themselves), feel they have to be circumcised, then that will be their choice, as ADULTS.
But do not use relgion, some scientific findings, or any other method, to COERCE people into complying with a procedure of self-mutilation, becsuse some persons in the scientific or political communities think, that is the way to prevent some form or infection.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Monday, December 11, 2006

IRAN Is Hosting Jewish Conference?

December 11-2006:

Holocaust Summit In Tehran?

Iran's President-Ahmadinejad have said on several occasions that the Jewish state of Israel has no legitimate right, and should not exist.
He is not alone with this opinion either!
However, currently he is allowing a summit/conference for Jews globally, to discuss the horrors of the holocaust, which is being held in Tehran-Iran.
What is the rational for hosting such a conference in a state whose leadership advocate for the erasing of Israel from the planet?

Now you go figure!

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My Views On God & Spirituality!

My Views On God & Spirituality!

Let me first clear the air on Religion, and Spirituality!
Firstly, I do not believe in any GOD. Visible or Invisible!
* I also do not subscribe to any religion or religious belief/s.
* Personally, I feel that all religions were created by humans to control and subjugate the human mind, bodies, and hearts, to think, act, worship, and behave in certain pre-scribed ways, according to the fancies of the rulers at different times in our human history.

As for Spirituality!

I also believe that humans came into existence from the Cosmic Realm, over eons of cosmic transformations.
When or how we as Humans came into existence as physical bodies, is anybody's guess.
However, I also believe that the invisible essence is part of our existence, and is what all humans will return to in physical death.
First as Ashes, or Bones, then we deteriate further to mingle or dissolve into nothingness, or cosmic energy.
I do not believe in any invisible or Supreme Master either!.
Humans created Masters to enslave, control, and dictate to other humans.
So anyone who still feel he or she needs A Master, is still a slave mentally, psychologically, and spiritually.


To answer your question, 'how did the universe came into being? I do not know!
But I feel there never was any begining. So there can never be an end. As your Christian prayer says. "Forever & ever-World without end. I think that too is the Roman Catholic concept of all things.
I would also like to ask, if there was a begining to all that we see in this cosmic, then who or what caused that begining, and who or what caused the begining before that?
So the questions will never end now (will it)?
So I do not concern myself wth how this universe started (if it ever had a begining anyway).
That is why I cannot conceive of a God, because the above questions cannot be rationally or scientifically explained!


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