Discussions of religious persuasion-coercion, and religious advocacy:

Friday, February 23, 2007

HPV-The Human Papaloma Virus Snafu & The Ambitious Woman!

February 23-2007:

GARDACYL For- HPV Or Human Papaloma Virus In Women.

Many conservatives women and men today in The USA refuse to allow their teen age girls to have that vaccine to guard them against 'cervical cancer.' They advocate for sexual abstinence before marriage. This same argument was used when HIV/AIDS was discovered, and the pandemic was growing.
Imagine telling teens or young adults today not to have sex!

I still cannot see the rationale used to decide not to encourage women to have this vaccine. Wouldn't it be wise to take pre-emptive action against this virus, than wait until it is discovered, then try to curb the spread.

I understand that 10,000 women have been vaccinated already, and the signs show good results!

Some of those same conservatives feel that telling young women to get this vaccine, is allowing them to have sex early!
What utter Bull Crap!


Ambitious women:

In response to your solicitation for comments on the above remarks about Sen. Hillary Clinton's quest for the presidency.

I am not sure what was meant by that remark 'ambitious woman.' But I do believe that one has to be ambitious to achieve anything in this life. And the presidency of The USA, is not off limits to woman.

Maybe there is an element of male chauvinism here, with the remarks from Mr. David Geffen, about Mrs. Clinton's ability to take the presidency! However, her chance as a woman is less certain, than most of her male contenders.

Which begs the question. 'Is America ready for a female President right now?

Come the 2008 Democratic Congress nomination, we will see who will be the chosen or favoured candidate for president.

New York City.

Old People Say!

Some Caribbean Old Folk's Adages:

Adage: Mouth Open Story Jump Out!
Meaning: when you talk too much-shit happens:

Adage: Dance A Bottom Look A-Top!
Meaning: Look Before You Start Gossipping:

Adage: If Yah Nah Wan Mud Pun Yuh, Naw Gaw Crab Dance!
Meaning: If you don't want to get burn, don't deal with fire:

Adage: What Is Fun Foh Children Is Death Fah Craprow!
Meaning: Don't Throw Stones At Old People or Glass Houses:

Adage: Mo-Mo, A Wah Mek Ya Mouth So Long?
Meaning: When you become an adult, you will understand life much better:

Adage: One-One-Dutty-Build-Dam!
Meaning: Rome was not built in a day. Or take time to grow up son:

Adage: When Blackman Belly Full-He Want To Shake The Governor Hand!
Meaning: Some people just don't know their place:

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