Can Consciousness Exist Outside The Brain?
May 16-2010:
Can Consciousness Exist Outside The Brain?
Personally, I believe it does, for the following reasons:
Consciousness is that invisible element within humans that makes us aware of ourselves. We can identify ourselves as individuals within a group, mainstream society, or culture. The brain is like a computer that files away all impressions it receives via the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or touch. All of these files are accessed automatically when we want to speak, or respond to anything, or some experience instantaneously.
This is so normal to most humans today that hardly anyone pays attention to it, unless some mental or neurological problem arises. Then we may seek professional help or advice. However, the consciousness is an invisible element. Unlike the brain which is a physical element within us. So when someone experiences 'Out Of Body Consciousness,' it is the brain having some confusion with accessing some of the files in memory storage, and have mis-interpreted some of those senses.
Therefore, what the eye sees, or does not see, and the brain interprets, or does not interpret correctly, may cause the individual to hear, see, or experience one of the above experiences, that hitherto resulted in someone being placed in a mental institution, burnt at the stake, or considered demon possessed.
Hindu Re-incarnation:
This philosophy subscribes to the view that one has to take several physical bodies in several life cycles, in order to cleanse himself/herself from all evil, or Bad Karma. And when he/she has finally done that, he/she will have attained Nirvana or Enlightenment, and will never have to take another physical body again.
This concept is just like the example 'Out Of Body Consciousness Where converts or followers, believes in this process, and will not see it as something to be feared, but something that comes with being human, or being in the process of eradicating Bad Karma.
Labels: Consciousness
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