We Are Living In A Parallel Universe!

September 18-2009:
We Are Living In A Parallel Universe!
Today, more than ever I am thoroughly convinced that this planet, us humans, and this universe is a twin. Yes, we are in a parallel universe. I have had these suspicions for several years now, triggered by several personal experiences such as meeting someone whom I knew I've met, but could not fathom where. Seeing individuals that look exactly like someone I knew personally some place and time before. They even walked, talked, and behaved like the person or individuals I've known before.
I have had dreams that took me to places that looked exactly like this planet, people of different ethnic groups and complexion, that look just like we do on this earth, people that behaved, spoke, acted, sang, danced, made love, had sex, and did bad things exactly like we do on this planet also. I have had dreams, visions (awake and
asleep) where I met individuals that I knew somehow, we went places, did things together, and parted in a manner that baffled me, to the point where as I was about to leave that person's presence or company. I watched as he/she walked away into the sunset, or into the ground literally, and disappeared from sight too.
Then I realized what was happening, I realized that I was on another planet, another place and time, and that I did not truly belong there. At least not at that time.
Then I awoke, and wondered if that individual realized what was happening also, and if that individual had the same experience that I was having with such an encounter too? I also had experiences on another planet that looked like ours, where I was killed, and as the blade or gunshot struck me, I awoke immediately, and realize that I was still alive, and back on earth, as though nothing happened. Then I realized once more, that a parallel existence MUST be a reality for me to be so convinced, and recognizable.
The Prophets, Seers, Shamans, and Spiritual Leaders Of Yore Realized It Too:
Yes, these people realized it to, but was also like me, unable to comprehend what they too were experiencing back then. They tried to explain these things in the light of their own cultural experiences, background, and interpretation, So many points of view were expressed and shared about them. Some said it was an after lfe, Some said it was re-incarnation of souls, until finally the individual would reach Nirvana, or the completion of the soul's journey to enlightenment. Others call it Heaven. And in recent times, with the advent of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other faiths, this has become the anticipated end of the human journey.
But all of these peoples and religious philosophies subscribed to some after life, or some other existence that us humans are a part of, and could expect to experience if we behave in certain ways, or believe in certain doctrines prescribed by our Elders of yore. All with the intent to mold our minds to work towards making this perception a reality at some future time. Today, it is referred to as The End Time, or The Coming of The Mufti, or the Advent Of The Christ, or The Return Of The Caliph.
Can Anyone Prove That We Are Indeed In A Parallel Universe?
I don't think with our current scientific technologies that would be possible. And I also don't think humans will ever be able to transcend time and space. Because we as physical beings AGE. And to be able to transcend Time And Space, requires preventing the Aging Process From Taking Place Physically. And we are all aware, that all material things are transformed via the aging stages, in it's development processes.
The invisible essence of all things is yet to be fully comprehended by as humans. At least with our limited and sometimes confused perception, of what we call The Human Reality or Experience.
Derryck S. Griffith.
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