Can An Elected Public Official Swear Only By The US Constitution?

December 22-2006:
Would An Atheist Be Allowed To Swear By The Constitution & Not The Christian Bible?
And can A Public Official swear by the Constitution Of The US ONLY, without acknowledging any religious belief or affiliation?
With regard to the above questions, please indulge me in outlining some of my concerns in this regard:
The Constitution Of The United States is the Supreme Laws or guide, that oversees all other laws that may be enacted Municipally, by the State, or the Federal authorities. The US Congress and Senate are obliged to acknowledge this constitution in their deliberations, legislation, and the enactment of any laws therein, in the interest of the public good.
All elected Public Officials must swear 'pubicly' to abide by the rules and guidelines of this constitution. Regardless of his or her religious affiliations or beliefs.
Therefore, when the Rep. elect Keith Ellison Congressman of Moslem faith chose to swear on the Quran the source of his religious belief, he was acting in accordance with his civil and constitutional right to do so. So long as he or she acknowledges the US Constitution as the supreme jurisprudence.
I cannot see how being a Moslem, Faithist, Shinto, Jew, Taoist, or Christian, or even an Atheist, has anything to do with the expected pledge of allegiance to the Constitution Of The United States Of America!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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