Some Motives For Religious Fanaticism!

October 22-2006:
Religion provides The Motives Or Needs, that all those who believe in it expect to achieve!
For example:
Every religious teaching make reference to some God or Deity, that cannot be seen by the human physical eyes.
All religions doctrine promote the view that with FAITH in that religious doctrine or philosophy, your individual needs, hopes, expectations, and inner peace will be appeased.
Most religions promulgate the view, that the world has Good and Evil people and forces that affects us all. Especially those who are irreligious, or does not believe in a God.
Therefore, when an individual or individuals act in ways that may or may not cause peace, harmony, unity, brotherhood, or the well being of all. One might say that he, she, or they are fanatical in their religious thinking. But what is actually happening here is that those individuals are merely expressing that which they perceive as the expectation of that religion or religious philosophy.
This interpretation of that religion or religious philosophy may be criticized or ridiculed by some who also feel that this behavior stems from misinterpretation of the doctrine. And this view may seem contradictory to the general or majority view, in that particular region or place of worship.
Salman Rushdie the Indian writer who wrote the book titled 'The Satanic Verses' in the 1970's, was ridiculed by millions of Moslems in the Moslem world for (according to them), he ridiculed the prophet Mohammed. And this was not the accepted thing for any good Moslem to say or write. Subsequently the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran issued a Fatwah for his death, for this blatant blasphemy of their prophet.
Today, Islam and Christianity is being used by politicians to induce certain sensitive feelings or values espoused within their constituencies. This is just one method used to rally support for certain conservative, radical or religious views that is felt by some to be promoted or preserved.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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