Your Guardian Angel Is Watching Your Every Move!

June 05-2005:
Your Guardian Angel Is Watching!
Have you ever heard the expression, 'everyone has a guardian angel, who is with them all the time
Well, I have, and I have problems with that belief, for the following reasons.
* Firstly, if there is such a person, who is invisible, and watches everything one does. Then that is an invasion of your privacy.
* Secondly, I did not have any say in deciding whether or not I needed such a person (visible or invisible), to watch over me.
* Thirdly, I have a tendency to masturbate anytime I feel like it. And this guardian angel will be watching my every move. And probably saying to himself or herself, just how nasty or frustrated I am.
* Fourthly, why would anyone want a guardian angel, he or she cannot see, hear, communicate with, or even choose the gender of?
* Finally, if as they say, God knows and sees all things! Then why do we need a Guardian Angel anyway?
Such help makes God look inadequate, and contradicts his/her all knowing and all seeing status.
Om Shanti.
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