Judas Iscariot's New Role!

April 06-2006:
Was Judas Really A Judas?
The name Judas has been associated with the apostle Judas from Juda in Palestine, during the time of Jesus's mission. He is alleged to have informed the Roman authorities about Jesus's whereabouts, for thirty pieces of silver, thus causing his arrest, and subsequent crucifixion.
Today however, the BBC announced that papyrus found in a cave in Egypt in the 1970's, after extensive forensics, and scientific carbon dating, have discovered new information that would seem to indicate, that historical information associated with Jesus's betrayal, was not really so.
According to the report, these papyrus documents revealed that Judas told Jesus that he was instructed by God to betray him. So with this new revelation, the historic concept of Judas's action on that famous night, when the cock crowed twice, now has to be reconciled.
Would the established Christian churches be willing to accept this new find or theory, after centuries of mis-information to it's followers?
I Report-You Decide!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Yahoo IM: derryck_sylvester
AOL IM: Ecmimbari
All writers have a tendency to interpret what their audience may have said, or meant. And all the so called Jesus's teachings were re-written several times. In fact, the Gospels were re-written so many times, that I cannot believe that what we have today in the Christian Bible, is truly the teachings of Jesus. But that is what the Christian theologians want their followers to believe. And that is what is promoted by Christian churches, and followers internationally.
Therefore, whenever new physical evidence, such as (The Dead Sea Scrolls, or these new Papyrus documents) are discovered, we then discover that what we were told so many times, and so long ago, may not necessarily be the 'whole truth' or even truth! What we have to do as thinkers, is to apply reason, circumstance, cultural differences, and cultural interpretations, to determine the plausibility, or un-plausibility of any new information.
That is our responsibility as individual thinkers, teachers, and promoters of a philosophy, that is still evolving in complexity!
The Judas Iscariot Contradictory Role:
With this new revelation or Judas as a facilitator, for the martyrdom of Jesus, it would seem from these findings, that Jesus felt that in order for him to be believed, for what he represented, or felt was his mission in life, could only be accomplished by martyrdom.
Thus leaving a legacy, that will solidify his position in that role, for generations to come!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Yahoo IM: derryck_sylvester
AOL IM: ecmimbari
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