What Or Where Is Heaven?

What Or Where Is Heaven?
If an individual could rid himself or herself of all Hate, Anger, Vanity, Self-Pity, Rancor, Regret, Expectations, Jealousy, and Pain. Then he or she is on the road to experiencing Enlightenment or Heavenly peace!
The Element Of Seeing & Knowing!
Most religions advocate for the ability to accept that which cannot be seen or understood with the eyes and mind. For physicists, this is un-acceptable. Because science is based on the principles of Sight-Measurement & Quantification. So if something cannot be seen, measured, and quantified, scientists will categorize those things in the field of faith, or imagination.
Humans are genetically programmed to understand the physical world around us. At least, that is the general understanding held by thousands on this planet. But most of us also believe that there is something within each individual that is not fully understood, or comprehended. And this thing may be called God, mind, spirit, a hunch, a gut feeling, or insight.
Whatever it is, most people seem to feel that we could connect, or have lost the direct connection to that thing within us. And because of not being able to connect 'at will' with this thing, we are left to seek recourse from some other thing, philosophy, or doctrine, that will give us some comfort, and re-assurance about ourselves.
Not knowing what will become of our relatives, loved ones, families, or friends when we are physically dead, bothers most people a great deal.
The Afterlife concept:
The afterlife came in to fill the void of un-certainty as indicated above. So Heaven, Paradise, and even Hell was fashioned to explain these fantasies, perceptions, or fears, that most humans possess. Trying to convince people who do not accept an afterlife, or do not believe in an God, or do not believe in Hell, is quite a task. So atheists, and even Agnostics were created as categories for those individuals. Overtime, with the passage of time, human development, natural and man made disasters that impacts humans negatively on a mass scale, are also identified to be the hand of God or Allah at work, trying to get humans to acknowledge or pay homage to this creator of all things.
I have said before, and will reiterate again, that humans have the capacity to create, or believe in any thing they choose. That is what contributes to our social, technological, and mental development over the centuries. Because of this ability, we as a human specie, was able to survive on this planet for so long, without becoming extinct. Currently, we have the ability to erase all physical life, or all life from this planet with the pressing of an atomic or nuclear button. That is the extent to which our abilities have evolved.
Call it God's gifts, genetic development, or evolution in action. Whatever it is, humans will continue to do great things in each other's eyes. Even populate other planets in our galaxy at some point in time too!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate Blogger.
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