The Loving God Discourses On CNN:

April 13-2008:
The Loving God Discources On CNN With The Presidential Candidates?
Senator Hillary Clinton:
Senator Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton said on CNN tonight that when she went to China, she told the Chinese government that she was against the policy of one child per family. Because it infringed upon the human right to chose his or her own destiny.
But she failed to realize or acknowledge, that when the Chinese introduced this compulsory national policy, it was because of an ever growing and increasing population growth in that state, at that time. Where food production was seriously threatened to fall short or supply domestically, over the long haul.
But she failed to realize or acknowledge, that when the Chinese introduced this compulsory national policy, it was because of an ever growing and increasing population growth in that state, at that time. Where food production was seriously threatened to fall short or supply domestically, over the long haul.
And the only solution possible to 'stem mass hunger' in the near future was to introduce that policy.
She also made mention of America's presumed moral authority of the world, and how she admired George W. Bush, George Herbert Bush, and Bill Clinton's involvement in Pakistan's mudslide/earthquake disaster, and the other places that America got involved internationally to give assistance in times of dire need.
But she failed to recognize that George W. Bush did not respond at home in America, when hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana-Mississippi & New Orleans, until two weeks into that disaster. When it was almost too late for thousands to get assistance with shelter, food, clothing, and money.
Senator Barack Obama:
As usual, Barack Obama was able to tie his personal religious views and faith, to convey the message that he is indeed mindful of how we treat this planet, respond to our brother and sister's suffering.
And acknowledging that as humans and spiritual beings, we are connected to each other in ways beyond our comprehension. And whatever we do impacts this planet positively and negatively.
Quote: Sen. Barack Obama said that 'the public square is not the place to empower oneself He was referring specifically to politicians!
The concern here tonight about whether these candidates are mindful about God in their policy decisions, as they campaign for the presidency is amazing. Imagine the USA considers itself a Capitalist nation. Capitalist economy, with secular values and policies. Yet the climate today would make Karl Marx cringe, when he re-visits his description about religion as the OPIATE of the masses.
This now seems to be the OPIATE of Americans!
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