My First Encounter With The Unification Church-Or Moonies!
My First Encounter With The Unification Church:
June 10-2005:
It was in 1972 in Guyana, at the History & Arts Council headquarters. It was also the time when Guyana hosted the first Caribbean Festival Of Creative Arts (C.A.R.I.F.E.S.T.A.). I was hired by Miss. Barbara Burroughes who at that time was an official of the Ministry Of Information & Culture, and Admin Assistant to the Chief Officer in Charge.
I was approached by Miss. Barbara Burroughes some time during my tenure there, who introduced me to this message that she was teaching, and invited me to visit her home for more in depth information. I made the visit there, and was given a preliminary introduction to the Divine Principles (as espoused) by Sun Myung Moon (the Leader and Master) as he was referred to.
Some weeks later, along with six others we started living in a rented home that was obtained by Barbara Burroughes for us to get an insight into how the new Divine families had to live, in order to redeem ourselves from Satan's yoke.
Incidentally, at that time I was experiencing major psychological and social issues with my relatives. I was not permanently employed, and this insecurity hung heavily on my mind. I was also in the process of exploring my bisexual orientation and sexuality.
Incidentally, at that time I was experiencing major psychological and social issues with my relatives. I was not permanently employed, and this insecurity hung heavily on my mind. I was also in the process of exploring my bisexual orientation and sexuality.
And I was told that it was no problem with her (Miss. Burroughes), because in the movement, they were others like me that came in and were accepted. This sense of social acceptance and a place to live was the mitigating factor that propelled me to join this so-called family.
Some months later, I realized that it was expected that I gave all of my self, and personal property over to the movement. Because I was no longer living for myself, but for the movement, and the enlightened dictates of Master Sun Myung Moon. All sexual activity, longings, and personal ambitions had to be subdued. And that I was no longer able to see former friends or relatives. Because that would induce negative influences on my spiritual progress and growth in this movement.
I was also expected to abide by the rules of conduct, eating and sleeping, associating with other members, and discussing all personal (albeit) private experiences, needs, fears, desires, and expectations to her, (Barbara Burroughes) the leader of the family.
This to my mind was an invasive expectation on my behalf. A person who has always cherished and believed in privacy. But that was not tolerated there, and all family members were expected to report to Barbara, anything they observed from other members that they feel was not in keeping with these rules and expectations. This caused some degree of anxiety within me, and I believe from other members too.
But we were told time and again from Barbara that any contravening thoughts were Satanic, and was not tolerated, for the benefit of those who are sincere, and want to redeem themselves from this Satanic world.
And if anyone should leave the family, they would suffer spiritually, physically, and mentally. Because they were called to serve, and refused to comply with The Divine Principled lifestyles and mission. And the master would be very sad for them and their family's spiritual dispensation or inheritance. Meanwhile, my former lover, ( I say former) because no physical contact or emotion was allowed by anyone, who was a part of the family. Because the continuation of such relationships were Satanic, and conflicts with Divine Principles.
So that was that for me! In time, I silently contemplated leaving the family. Because I realized then that I had made a terrible mistake and choice to live there. But it was very difficult to do so because my relatives had distanced themselves from me, ( which was justified) at that time, for my lack of wisdom.
They were not prepared to help if I decided to return. Which I subsequently did, but was rebuffed and ignored by them all at their home, where I was staying while I contemplated another place to live.
I had no job, because I was encouraged to leave my former one, so that I would be more able to do Master's work for the family. So I was in a predicament for survival. It took months for me to be hired again, I suffered mentally severely. Not from guilt, but from personal nieveta, un-employment, insecurity, and hopelessness. Eventually, I was able to accept my dilemma and move on. And inculcate positive thoughts and energy, in order for me to pursue employment and change to normalcy.
I shall never forget this experience for as long as I live!
I shall never forget this experience for as long as I live!
Derryck S. Griffith.
These are some of the rules/beliefs that is perpetrated by The Unification
Church to it's members or families worldwide (quietly and in-house):
* All family members are to walk in pairs when going outdoors. This prevents distraction or escape to their former life.
* Relinquishing all family ties are expected from all members, who believe that Master Moon is the Messiah and leader of this new age.
* Abstinence from sexual activities and thoughts is expected from all members, desirous of redemption by Master moon.
* All former marriages or ties with the former life is not valid in this new age. Only those consecrated by Master Moon's arrangement and blessing.
* All personal assets are expected to be bequeathed to the Church, because no individual can own anything in a collective lifestyle.
* We are our brother's keeper, and no one is allowed to remain apart or separate from the others socially.
* The goal of The Unification Church Leader is to take control of all societies, governments, spiritual leaders and authority figures, in order to have the influence it needs to further it's message and designs. When total influence is achieved, then the master will be accepted as the Messiah and redeemer of all mankind!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Yahoo IM: derryckgriffith
AOL IM: ecmimbari
Yahoo IM: derryckgriffith
AOL IM: ecmimbari
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