Why Did We As A Specie Ever Came Into Existence?

December 04-2007:
Why Did We As A Specie Ever Came Into Existence?
Firstly, I do not believe in the religious and traditional concepts of Genesis, Darwin's theory, or even Intelligent design either.
Firstly, I do not believe in the religious and traditional concepts of Genesis, Darwin's theory, or even Intelligent design either.
* Why do humans feel that there was a purpose for us being here?
* And for what reason or reasons?
Then it hits me. All of humanity needs oxygen, water, food, and protection from the cosmic or natural elements for our survival. By some stroke of luck, adaptability, or creativity, we are still here, and still trying to survive on this planet as a specie.
Us humans never created air, water, mineral resources, or the plants and animals that we use to survive on this planet.
Therefore, why would someone or something create us, only to destroy what we have been allowed to share, and even survive on?
In fact, ever since humans came into existence on this planet, we have been consistently doing things that hamper the life and longevity of this very same planet that we occupy, and depend on for our own existence. So why should rational thinking people believe that we were placed or created to serve some invisible intelligence, or being?
Whom we know nothing about really. Nor do we know who or what this thing or being expects us to do for it. While at the same time, we are unable to even determine how long we have to live as individuals or collectively on this planet!
Personally, I believe that this planet is an anomaly. The only one of it's kind in our solar system!
Personally, I believe that this planet is an anomaly. The only one of it's kind in our solar system!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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