Is Love An Illusion?
May 30-2010:
Is Love An Illusion?
There are those who believe that it is, and have become cynical, ever since they claim to have been hurt too many times before. But was it truly love they felt? Or was it an emotional roller coaster they had?
Personally, I believe that to experience true love is a privilege. And most of us may never have that opportunity in this life. But for the few who do, they will know it is real, profound, and can never be erased from memory or feelings.
Because when you have experienced true love, you cannot hate that person, cannot lose it,and will cherish that experience for as long as you live, regardless of whether you are together or apart. Or whether the physical relationship or togetherness is still possible or necessary. These things cannot influence your love for that person, Period.
At What Age Is It Possible To Love?
I believe that when an individual reaches adolescence he/she should have the necessary mental and psychological maturity to determine what he/she feels for another is really true love, passion, lust, emotional security, dependence, or fantasy.
Of course, this will differ from person to person, depending on his/her emotional/psychological state of mind too. But 'ceteris paribus,' a matured individual or adult aught to recognize what is real, from what is fantasy or self-delusion.
Labels: LOVE