Some Things That Pagan Worshippers Can Teach Us!

July 31-2009:
Some Things That Pagan Worshippers Can Teach Us!
Paganism has gotten a Bad Rap, ever since Christianity came into existence. Christianity teaches about some invisible deity or God, just like Islam and Judaism does. Paganism however, sees the physical universe as the source of our being, survival, and believes it must be cherished, worshipped, and revered.
In some Pagan cultures, animal flesh and blood is used in the practice of their worshipping ceremonies, and could be mis-construed by those who do not believe in the Paganistic view of the universe or their concept of it.
However, what is real and what is not real?
Some religions espouse that this world of the flesh and physical beings are UN-Real, and the only REAL thing is the UN-SEEN aspect of this universe or cosmic.
Christianity and Islam teaches of some other or invisible place, where the souls go after it relieves itself of this physical body of flesh. Much ado is made in both religions about how to prepare for and make this journey possible in this physical life. Wars have been fought and is still being fought regionally and globally, because of these two PRINCIPAL approaches to the afterlife, and the preparation for the afterlife.
Albeit, I believe that all humans have an innate desire for the meaning of this life, and the reason for this physical existence. Some use their religious beliefs, learned from childhood as a guide or explanation for all that we call the universe or the cosmic.
Physicists have explained the beginning of this universe, much to the disbelief and rebuff of scores that believe in
Islam, Christianity, or Judaism.
However, all aspects of religious indulgence have some part to play in the human perpetual enquiry, into who and what he or she is, and where, when, and how this physical existence will all end.
Labels: Paganism And Religion