Discussions of religious persuasion-coercion, and religious advocacy:

Monday, May 25, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 25-2009:

A couple fled the country to Mexico, to avoid a Court Order for chemotherapy for their son.

I don't know the details or gravity of this matter. But I will speculate that maybe, just maybe, the parents have religious or misguided scruples about the right, necessity, or moral concerns for this child health or survival, to try and evade this responsibility.

I also know that there are cases where individuals have refused to have an operation on their person, because of religious convictions.

And I ask myself, who or what gives anyone the right to prevent any medical help to prolong or save another person's life, especially if that person is a minor or a child?

And why should anyone use their religious convictions to deny medical assistance or help to a relative or sibling, that is in dire need of that help?

These are questions that bother me dearly, as I ponder these concerns!

Individuals should stop for a moment and ask themselves if their GOD would approve or deny another of his creatures, the right to LIFE, because some other of his creations feel, that it conflicts with his/her religious convictions.

Furthermore, religious convictions have nothing to do with one's belief in any God or Allah.



Monday, May 11, 2009

NEWS From My Perspective!

May 11-2009:

The Pontiff Snobs Israel!

Israeli's and others in the Moslem world are still waiting for the undercover Nazi Pope, to apologize for saying that Islam is a terrorist religion. He made some pronouncements, that came up short of an expressed apology.

And yet, the Moslem world and the Israeli's are still embracing this monster, who masquerades an Holier than thou!

How pathetic! 

Religion & Scientific Facts!

When scientists discovered via their space satellites, evidence of the beginning of this cosmic, all religions explanation for the genesis of all things became OBSOLETE.

Those who still cling to the religious explanation for this universe's birth, are those who believe in fairy tales!

May 11-2009:

Iranian/American Female Reporter Set Free!

An Iranian-American reporter Roxanna Saberi who was jailed on spying charges, was released after a court reduced the sentence.

However, if this woman is truly grateful for this reprieve, she should stay out of Iran forever. 

If she intends to be free for the rest of her life.


The World Cries FOUL-While Pakistan Fights Terror!

Yes, some of the worlds democracies are crying foul, claiming that the Pakistan army is using too much force and arbitrary bombing of the Taliban and Civilians in the Swat Valley. And that they should show some restraint.

Imagine that, when Israel was using Phosperous and other deadly munitions on innocent Palestinian civilians, not one of those Domocracies called for A Cease Fire, or criticized Israel for what seemd like genocide, in it's military actions in Gaza.

So SHUT UP, and let the Pakistan government deal with this long overdue cancer within it's midst!


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