Nicholas Sarcozy Speaks Out On Religion & Politics!

September 12-2008:
Nicholas Sarcozy Speaks Out On Religion & Politics!
Nicholas Sarcozy president of France told his people when the Pope visited there recently. That they should consider discussing religion as it relates to secularism, and see how the two could operate more amicably. He stressed that religion can also be a means to organize, and further societal values, via dialogue between politicians and the church.
I think he is getting into something that most French people feel MUST never be associated with politics. In fact most French people feel that the separation between the Church and State MUST always be separate, and not try to co-op any one of them for political gains.
This same mentality as we all know is gaining momentum right here in the USA. Where politicians running for State and Federal office feel that religion must be a factor which somehow qualifies the candidates for holding any such office, especially the presidency. And specifically being a Christian as the preferred religion, that most Americans would like their president to associate himself or herself with.
But even with this mis-guided form of patriotism and criteria. The Constitution Of the USA was drafted by Christian oriented individuals, who were specific in inserting the SERERATION of church from STATE matters. Yet Americans today in large numbers are pushing for the personal involvement and identification of their leaders, as persons of religious faith, and must also be Christian.
Where this trend will lead to in Western democracies at this time, is anyone's guess. But I hold the view that Religion and Religious views MUST be relegated to the church organizations and confines.
Let the SECULARISTS deal with society at large according to the National Constitution, which provides specific guidelines for so doing!
Labels: Religion And Politics