Remembering Those Who Served:

May 27-2007:
The Importance Of Remembering Those Who Served Willingly!
Memorial celebrations in every culture, means different things to different people. But like most cultures, memorial day ceremonies are viewed as a reflection upon the human losses and contributions made with their lives on the 'field of battle,' for the country they serve of represent.
In the USA, this day is also remembered and celebrated by the States, Cities, and the Federal Government, as homage to those who made the ultimate sacrifice when called upon to do so for their country.
But just let me make a few points that I feel need to be said, and remembered!
But just let me make a few points that I feel need to be said, and remembered!
* Politicians and governments make wars with other countries. But it is the ordinary soldiers and civilians alike, that die in the tens of thousands during any military conflict.
* Some may call death during a war as just one of the hazards of that activity. But I also believe that wars, just or unjust, must never be readily embraced without stringent reasoning, diplomatic negotiations, compromises, and the willingness to settle differences by some other means, if possible.
Because when a nation or nations feel that the only solution to regional, or global conflicts necessitates going to war. Then humanity is surely destined to speed up the process, to the total elimination of this species from this planet.
Om Shanti.
Labels: Memorial Day-2007