Egyptian Mythology-The Book Of The Dead:

April 25-2007:
Egyptian Mythology-The Book Of The Dead!
Do you know that in the Book Of the Dead, an ancient Egyptian scroll accompanies the Pharaoh and noblemen in their coffins, to assist the spirits of those dead souls to meander their way towards the Egyptian Supreme God 'RAH.'
These trials in the underworld are enormous, according to the Book Of the Dead. Some trails indicate the following procedures.
There are several tests mentioned in the Book Of the Dead that said, the soul had to answer many questions, if it answered correctly, the soul would proceed further to the destination of reaching Rah ( The Sun God).
However, those who failed, would be thrown into the hell fires and never return to occupy another body in the future.
For example, here are two such scenarios.
* The soul on it's journey in the underworld would encounter a fierce monster that looked like a HUGE crocodile. This monster is called "The Breaker Of Bones." If the soul answered the question put to it correctly, hit would be allowed to go on further. If it failed to answer the question correctly, it would be swallowed up by this monster.
* Then there is another creature that would be encountered in the underworld, that was referred to as "The Swallower Of Spirits." If the soul failed to answer this creature's question correctly, the soul would be swallowed up by this creature.
* How on earth could a soul's bones be broken? Souls are invisible, intangible, and does not have a physical body, as we understand it, in our physical environment. So how could that soul's bones be broken?
* Secondly, how could a soul be swallowed by another? That possibly would imply, that a soul have physical desires, and is able to do what physical beings can do. So that scenario is also ridiculous.
These are just two of the preposterous concepts in Egyptian mythology, that was believed, and practiced for centuries. Long before Christianity, Islam, and most of the religious philosophies were conceived of.
And this kind of Egyptian thinking and belief, was the criteria that held that civilization together for centuries, that allowed for the creation of Pyramids, Agriculture, Egyptian Art, Mummifying of the dead, and the Rule over many nations and peoples, long before the Greeks came into prominence, the Romans, the Persians, and Arabia was ever civilized.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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