The Da Vinci Codes Movie!

May 20-2006:
The Da Vinci Codes Movie:
So what is all the fuss all about with this De Vinci code movie? Now they are saying via the current movie, that Jesus was married and had children.
Why should this come as a surprise to anyone who is sensible, and is able to do his or her own reasoning. This may be a fictitious movie, but the presumption seems plausible. eg.,
Jesus the man who lived, was able to move or convince thousands with his gift of 'Gab,' was able to get fed, housed, and provided for wherever he went for FREE. According to the Christian Bible, everyone wanted to entertain him after listening to his fantastic stories, of a world to come, most longed to experience, from that harsh desperate life under Roman rule.
Women too I gather, from the mention of Mary Magdalene who washed his feet willingly, and was rebuked by the male onlookers. When Jesus spurned them for so doing, and said she was more worthy!
Go figure my friends!
Jesus loved the attention, the pampering, and all that went into his egoistic crave for recognition. So it does not seem to me unreasonable to assume, that he may have impregnated some woman or women, and had fathered children too.
The only implausible scenario to me would be his inability to provide for his children. Because he never earned his own livelihood, nor paid any rent for his upkeep. And he lived the life of a Gipsy, always in-transit.
Many Christians today will see this movie as blasphemous, or sacrilegious. But those who could think for themselves rationally, will pause for a while, and possibly say to themselves.
This movie Director have something here to think about!
Om Shanti.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.